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A.I Generated Caption: a group of military ships in the water Described by asticaVision v2.0The image depicts a group of military ships in the water, firing their cannons. The foreground of the image is filled with ships, with smoke billowing out of them, while the background reveals a large mountain with a white building in the distance. The sky is cloudy and the water is calm. The ships are floating in the sea, the grey-hued vessels creating a powerful scene. The vessels are a variety of sizes, and it's clear they are from different eras. It's almost as if time has stood still and the vessels are suspended in time and space. The ships have a strong presence and their presence is a show of strength. The image speaks of the force of the military and its might. It's clear these ships are here to stay, showing the might of the navy and the power it holds.
Objects: vehicle, boat,
Tags: water, outdoor, sky, smoke, boat, lake, mountain, air, traveling, engine, day
Rating: 2
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A.I Generated Caption: A group of boats in the water. (41% Success)
Objects: vehicle,
Tags: smoke, steam, train, coming, outdoor, air, stack, nature, clouds, spring, weapon, engine, dark
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: A group of white jets. (28% Success)
Objects: airplane
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A group of boats in the water. (45% Success)
Tags: sky, outdoor, water, smoke, lake, boat, boat racing
Rating: 0
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