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A.I Generated Caption: a robot with green eyes Described by asticaVision v1.0The image features a robot with green eyes, resembling a fictional character or a cartoon. It has a human-like face and a white helmet with black lines. The robot's face and helmet occupy the majority of the image, with a close-up of a person's hands visible in the background. The mannequin-like figure appears to be the main focus of the image, while the person's presence is secondary.
Objects: person
Tags: indoor, green, person, dark
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: A person wearing a garment. (49% Success)
Objects: helmet
Tags: helmet, spectacles, goggles
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: A person wearing a mask. (43% Success)
Objects: glasses, person
Tags: black, dark, close
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: A person in a garment. (51% Success)
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A person wearing a garment. (45% Success)
Tags: dark
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A person in a garment. (46% Success)
Objects: microphone, person
Tags: stage, scene, light, dark
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A person with blue eyes. (39% Success)
Tags: light
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A person wearing a garment. (38% Success)
Objects: headwear
Tags: dark
Rating: 0
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