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A.I Generated Caption: a screenshot of a video game Described by asticaVision v1.0The image is a screenshot of a video game featuring a dark, dramatic scene. There is a lightning bolt in the dark that illuminates part of the environment. A red and yellow light is coming out of a black tower, creating a sense of tension and danger. The game setting appears to be related to nature, with a mountain or volcano present. The overall atmosphere is intense, with heat and natural elements playing a significant role in the game's visual design.
Tags: light, outdoor, sky, traffic, dark, nature, lit, signal
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: A satellite in space. (40% Success)
Tags: laser, light
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A space ship in space. (42% Success)
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A screenshot of a video game. (57% Success)
Tags: outdoor, light
Rating: 0
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