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A.I Generated Caption: a moon over a rocky landscape Described by asticaVision v2.0This mysterious image shows a dark sky, illuminated by a large, bright full moon. A rocky landscape lies beneath, with a river snaking through the darkness. The moon is so large it takes up most of the sky, its distinct craters and surface features standing out in stark relief. Its light casts a blue-gray pall over the scene, with a white circle in the middle of the moon adding an extra touch of eeriness. This fantastical image captures a moment in time, with a moon close to an apocalyptic earth. It’s a powerful and evocative piece, depicting an intense atmosphere and a unique mix of beauty and danger. It’s a visual story that can ignite the imagination.
Tags: nature, dark, night sky
Rating: 16
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A.I Generated Caption: a moon in the sky Described by asticaVision v2.0This impressive digital artwork depicts a fantasy landscape in which a beautiful crescent moon illuminates a dark and apocalyptic earth. Dark and eerie clouds loom overhead, and a rocky landscape in the foreground is illuminated by the glowing moonlight. A powerful sense of mystery and awe fills the scene, as if hinting at a hidden story behind the artwork. The colors are muted and shadowy, evoking a mood of both fear and wonder. The artwork has a timeless quality, as if it has been here since the beginning of time. It captures a moment of stillness in a rapidly changing world.
Tags: nature, dark, spring, night sky
Rating: 8
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A.I Generated Caption: a planet in the sky Described by asticaVision v2.0This image captures a scene of a post-apocalyptic earth, eerily illuminated by a green light in the dark landscape. In the sky above, a planet looms, its blue hue and black markings providing a stark contrast to the darkness below. On the ground, a river cuts through the valley, creating a tranquil oasis from the chaos. This art piece speaks of a world that is both beautiful and mysterious, with a distant planet that seems to be almost calling out to us. It is a reminder of what can be seen when we look up and take a moment to appreciate what lies beyond.
Rating: 5
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A.I Generated Caption: a planet in the sky Described by asticaVision v2.0This surreal artwork depicts a fantastical landscape of a moon close to an apocalyptic Earth. The moon is surrounded by a dark, swirling atmosphere of clouds while a blazing fire illuminates the sky. The black sky is dominated by a single planet, its surface a mix of browns and tans. The vivid imagery of this painting is striking and captivating, with its blend of surrealism and apocalyptic themes. The swirling clouds, dark sky, and intense fire create a unique and powerful atmosphere. It is a truly remarkable piece that will draw in viewers with its mesmerizing beauty.
Tags: nature, dark
Rating: 4
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A.I Generated Caption: a landscape with a red planet and a red planet in the distance Described by asticaVision v2.0This vibrant digital artwork features a stunning landscape of a red planet and a blue moon in the distance. A person is standing on the blue surface, and a cave is visible in the water. The red planet and the blue moon both appear to be illuminated by a soft light. The sky is illuminated with a red cloud, and a wooden structure with a bright blue light is visible in the foreground. This breathtaking and surreal image conveys the beauty of nature, the mystery of the night sky, and the power of the unknown. It is a captivating reminder of the power of the imagination, and an awe-inspiring representation of the vastness of the universe.
Tags: dark
Rating: 3
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A.I Generated Caption: a screenshot of a video game Described by asticaVision v2.0This ethereal artwork features a fantasy landscape of a moon close to an apocalyptic Earth. The sky is bathed in a vibrant pink hue, with a bright light emanating from the planet's surface. The foreground is a dark rocky terrain, and the background is a deep purple abyss. The colors blend together to create an otherworldly atmosphere, and the imagery evokes feelings of awe and wonder. The scene suggests a planet in a distant corner of the universe, far removed from our own. It's a mysterious and captivating piece that invites viewers to explore its secrets. A unique and timeless piece of art, it's a perfect addition to any collection.
Tags: mountain, nature, dark
Rating: 3
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A.I Generated Caption: a moon in the sky Described by asticaVision v2.0This image features a mystical, dark landscape. A large moon hovers in the sky, casting a light on the rocky terrain below. A skull can be seen in the moon's reflection, giving the image a sense of foreboding and danger. The sky is illuminated by stars and a few clouds, adding to the mysterious atmosphere of the image. The land beneath the moon is a deep, dark blue, setting a somber tone. This painting evokes a sense of wonder and awe, combined with a feeling of desolation and despair. It captures the beauty and vastness of nature, while also hinting at a darker side. It is a captivating piece of art that could be appreciated by any viewer.
Tags: outdoor, dark, wave, hydrozoan, night sky
Rating: 2
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A.I Generated Caption: a screenshot of a video game Described by asticaVision v1.0The image is a screenshot of a video game featuring a rocky landscape with mountains in the background. There is a close-up of a rock in the foreground, and a moon prominently visible in the sky. The scene is set in an outdoor, nature environment with elements of outer space, such as the astronomical object and sphere-like planet. The image is somewhat blurry, especially around the mountainous areas.
Tags: outdoor, sky, mountain, nature, clouds
Rating: 2
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A.I Generated Caption: a planet in space with a moon in the sky Described by asticaVision v1.0The image depicts a planet in outer space with a moon in the sky. The planet is surrounded by a blue and purple light, as well as a blue and white cloud. There is also a close-up of a mountain in the image. The overall scene is a beautiful representation of astronomical objects, planets, outer space, and nature. The celestial event showcases the wonders of astronomy, the universe, and Earth. The image is set at night, highlighting the captivating beauty of the cosmos.
Tags: text
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (45% Success)
Tags: bubble
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: E Described by asticaVision v1.0E
Objects: palm tree
Tags: outdoor, nature, dark
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a screenshot of a video game Described by asticaVision v2.0This digital art piece is a stunning fantasy landscape of a moon close to an apocalyptic earth. The black background is a stark contrast to the glowing blue circle in the center of the image. This circle is surrounded by a lighter blue aura, with a bright light emanating from the middle. To the right of the circle is a jagged rock illuminated by a blue light, adding to the dreamlike atmosphere. In the sky, two bright lights create an ethereal setting. This image is a captivating combination of the natural and surreal, depicting a world on the brink of destruction. With its unique style and captivating visuals, it is a breathtaking work of art.
Tags: nature, dark
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a moon over a river Described by asticaVision v1.0The image shows a beautiful scene of a moon over a river. The moon in the sky is quite large and bright, illuminating the surrounding area. There is a blue and green galaxy visible in the sky, adding to the celestial atmosphere of the scene. In the foreground, a close-up of a rock can be seen near the river. The landscape is mostly covered by the river, which reflects the moonlight, creating a serene and tranquil environment. The image captures the essence of nature and the wonders of astronomy, as it showcases the celestial event taking place in the night sky.
Tags: night sky
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a screenshot of a video game Described by asticaVision v1.0The image is a screenshot of a video game featuring a scene set in outer space. In the scene, there is a planet with a green light illuminating its surface. The background consists of a starry sky with a bright light shining through. Additionally, there is a person walking on a rocky surface, possibly exploring the planet. The overall setting suggests a cave-like environment, surrounded by nature and celestial bodies.
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: A sunset over a mountain. (34% Success)
Tags: dark, nature
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (36% Success)
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (37% Success)
Tags: nature, night
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet with a ring of light in the sky. (30% Success)
Objects: jellyfish
Tags: star, outdoor object
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A rocky beach with a large rock formation in the background. (28% Success)
Tags: nature, dark
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (36% Success)
Objects: animal,
Tags: water
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (41% Success)
Objects: marine invertebrates
Tags: outdoor object
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A large red rock formation. (24% Success)
Tags: sunset, dark, night, clouds, distance
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A rocky landscape with a large explosion. (26% Success)
Tags: outdoor, dark, mountain, night
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (43% Success)
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (41% Success)
Tags: helmet, cooking
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A view of the earth from space. (52% Success)
Tags: nature
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A city on a cliff. (22% Success)
Tags: mountain
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (35% Success)
Tags: mountain, outdoor, nature
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A moon over a mountain. (31% Success)
Tags: outdoor, sky, mountain, nature, rock, distance
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A person looking at a planet. (36% Success)
Tags: person, man, indoor, dark
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A landscape with a moon in the background. (44% Success)
Tags: outdoor, sky
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A fire and a body of water. (28% Success)
Tags: green
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A.I Generated Caption: A space ship in the water. (30% Success)
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A moon over a city. (31% Success)
Tags: wall, nature, dark, spring
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (38% Success)
Tags: nature, wave
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A screenshot of a video game. (60% Success)
Tags: text, outdoor, balloon, aircraft
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A screenshot of a video game. (57% Success)
Tags: text, clouds, cloudy, several
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (34% Success)
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet and a planet. (25% Success)
Tags: mountain, sky, outdoor
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet with a group of people in it and a planet in the background. (34% Success)
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A shark swimming in the water. (33% Success)
Tags: dark
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A.I Generated Caption: A group of people in the water. (22% Success)
Tags: invertebrate, animal
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (51% Success)
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A.I Generated Caption: A large rock with a large moon in the background. (29% Success)
Tags: outdoor
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A screenshot of a video game. (49% Success)
Tags: dark
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A rocky beach with the moon in the sky. (38% Success)
Tags: outdoor
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A.I Generated Caption: A person holding a light up in the air. (31% Success)
Objects: vehicle
Tags: text
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (33% Success)
Tags: mountain, sky, rock, outdoor, distance
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A moon over a city. (32% Success)
Tags: text, nature
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (32% Success)
Tags: sunset
Rating: -1
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A.I Generated Caption: A planet in space. (37% Success)
Tags: text
Rating: -1
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A.I Generated Caption: A volcano erupting at night. (50% Success)
Tags: text, nature
Rating: -1
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