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A.I Generated Caption: a screenshot of a video game Described by asticaVision v1.0The image is a screenshot of a video game featuring a cave scene. The cave appears close up, with a blurry tree and a green plant visible in the background. There is also a black rock with green leaves in the image. The water in the scene is green and white, and the overall image has a slightly blurry quality to it.
Tags: rock, plant, tree, cave
Rating: 2
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Claimed by @Galacta

A.I Generated Caption: A stone archway with moss growing on it. (42% Success)
Objects: door
Tags: stone, old, concrete, cement, trunk
Rating: 2
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A.I Generated Caption: A stone archway with plants and rocks. (34% Success)
Tags: outdoor, building, garden, stone
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a stone archway with ivy growing on it Described by asticaVision v1.0The image features a beautiful stone archway with ivy growing on it. The archway is quite large, covering most of the image's width and height. The stone has a natural, weathered appearance, and the green ivy adds a touch of nature to the scene. On the left side of the image, there's a tree trunk with green leaves, partially visible. The scene seems to be located outdoors, possibly near a cave, as suggested by the presence of rocks and the overall environment.
Tags: tree, forest, arch, stone, wooded
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a stone archway in the woods Described by asticaVision v1.0The image features a stone archway in the woods, surrounded by greenery. The archway has a hole in the middle of the stone wall, possibly leading to a cave. There is a green roof with a green background at the top of the image, as well as a blurry green landscape at the bottom. Additionally, there is a close-up of a hood in the top part of the image and a green leaf with a pointed top at the top-left corner.
Objects: goldfish
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a stone doorway with a tree growing on the side Described by asticaVision v1.0The image depicts a stone doorway with a tree growing on its side. The tree has a large trunk and green leaves, adding a touch of nature to the scene. There is also a dark tunnel behind the doorway, with a person barely visible in the back. A rock is resting on the ground nearby, and the stone building has a stone arch and green leaves surrounding it. The overall setting appears to be outdoors, with a large rock in the foreground and a blurry background. The atmosphere is a mix of cave-like and ancient architecture, possibly hinting at a historical or tomb-like setting.
Objects: tree
Tags: tree, outdoor, stone, arch
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: A screenshot of a video game. (57% Success)
Objects: mammal
Tags: tree, outdoor, grass
Rating: -1
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A.I Generated Caption: A tunnel with a staircase. (23% Success)
Objects: land vehicle
Tags: trunk
Rating: -1
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