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A.I Generated Caption: a drawing of a person with a torn face Described by asticaVision v1.0The image is a drawing of a person with a torn face. It is a close-up sketch, showing the person's face in detail. The artwork is done in black and white and appears to be a combination of a portrait and a self-portrait. The image captures the person's eyes, eyebrows, and other facial features. The torn face aspect of the drawing adds a sense of distress and brokenness to the image. The drawing is highly artistic and can be categorized as a piece of art, painting, illustration, and sketch.
Objects: pen
Tags: person, posing
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a drawing of a man with a broken face Described by asticaVision v1.0The image is a drawing of a man with a broken face. The sketch is done in black and white and appears to be a self-portrait. The artwork features a close-up view of the person's face, focusing on the mouth and jaw area. The man's face is depicted with irregular lines and shapes, giving the impression of a broken or fragmented appearance. The illustration is highly detailed, with individual facial features such as the eyebrows and eyes clearly visible. The image has an overall artistic and abstract feel to it, showcasing elements of line art and figure drawing.
Objects: person
Tags: abstract
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a drawing of a man's face Described by asticaVision v1.0The image is a drawing of a man's face, done in a sketch or line art style. The illustration features details such as the man's eyes, nose, and mouth, as well as some facial hair. The artwork also includes a close-up of black eyeliner and a triangle shape. The drawing appears to be a self-portrait, and it showcases the artist's talent in figure drawing. The image falls under various categories, such as art, illustration, drawing, artwork, line art, figure drawing, self-portrait, cartoon, and painting.
Objects: person
Tags: person, abstract, close
Rating: 1
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A.I Generated Caption: a drawing of a man with broken face Described by asticaVision v1.0The image is a drawing of a man with a broken face. It is a black and white sketch, showcasing the artist's skill in creating line art and figure drawing. The illustration focuses on the man's face, which appears fractured and damaged, particularly around the jaw area. The style of the drawing can be described as an artwork or a self-portrait. The image features various aspects of art, such as line art, illustration, figure drawing, and linedrawing. The overall theme of the drawing is somber and evokes a sense of pain or distress.
Objects: person
Tags: linedrawing, abstract
Rating: 1
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