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A.I Generated Caption: a group of people standing in front of a factory Described by asticaVision v2.0This tall power plant is like a dystopian watcher, standing tall and mysterious under a starry night sky. Its silhouette stands out against the dark sky, illuminated by a single source of light. Its tall walls seem to curve inwards, creating an imposing and intimidating atmosphere. The architecture seems to be inspired by a mixture of Asimov, HR Giger and Cyberpunk styles. There is a sense of mystery to the image, as if something is being watched and guarded by the power plant. The colors are muted and dark, creating a feeling of unease. The overall feeling is one of power, strength and secrecy. It feels like a place that has secrets, a place that holds something important. It is a place of mystery and intrigue, something that will draw the viewer in and make them think about what lies beyond.
Objects: person,
Tags: text, candelabrum
Rating: 2
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A.I Generated Caption: A group of people on a roller coaster. (52% Success)
Objects: person,
Tags: text, book, colorful
Rating: 0
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A.I Generated Caption: A screen shot of a computer. (34% Success)
Tags: text
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A.I Generated Caption: A building with a large sign. (21% Success)
Tags: text, tall
Rating: 0
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